The French-German architects chaixetmorel. have been commissioned to renovate the listed Terminal B of the former Berlin-Tegel Airport, as part of the overall project “Forschungs- und Industriepark Berlin TXL – The Urban Tech Republic“, in collaboration with Schüssler-Plan GP GmbH Berlin, in a negotiation process in the fall of 2022.
The prominent building complex is the centerpiece of the new urban development quarter Urban Tech Republic, which will accommodate over 1,000 large and small companies, with 20,000 employees working in the areas of research, development, and production.
The aim of the renovation of Terminal B is to create an innovation and start-up center for the technology industry, similar to the well-known Parisian start-up cluster Station F in the Austerlitz-Rive gauche district. Additionally, more than 2,500 students, along with the renowned Berlin University of Technology, will move into the adjacent hexagonal building of the airport.
The future start-up center in Terminal B will provide modern workspaces of approximately 30,000 m2, including coworking spaces, FabLabs, MakerSpace areas, a conference center, restaurant-cafeteria zones, and other meeting spaces in the historic airport concourse. The concept of chaixetmorel. takes into account the requirements of building development in growing cities of the 21st century, including the efficient use of energy, sustainability in building, preservation of still usable building substance, the use of new materials, and flexible use of the resulting spaces.
Source : Company