Un Report di McKinsey Global Institute: “Reinventing Construction: a route to higher productivity”

Il  complesso Report  (  168  pagine) analizza lo stato dell’arte del settore edilizio a livello globale, individuando  gli ambiti di intervento che potrebbero portare a un incremento della produttività del 50-60%.


Ecco  qui sotto  alcune  conclusioni:


Where and how might disruption play out in the construction industry?


Today the industry is in deadlock. Owners should be the main beneficiaries of a move to a

more productive model but tend to be risk-averse and inexperienced; they need productive

contractors that they can trust and that provide them with choice, high quality, and low

prices—at scale—before they can change procurement practices and build capabilities

for a new paradigm. Many contractors stand to lose revenue and margin from moving to

productivity-based competition unless owners and the broader industry environment move,

too. A shift to productivity-based competition is only likely to be attractive if contractors

can build the scale (and repeatability) needed to drive cost efficiencies from productivity

gains that outweigh revenue losses from lower price points and fewer customer claims, and

provide payback on up-front and ongoing investments in technology or skill building.

Individual players face a critical strategic question—whether to continue with established

business practices or push for change. Even if they opt for the latter, making change happen

will require commitment from both owners and contractors.

But now four types of disruption—which have transformed the productivity of other

sectors—could help to break the deadlock and usher in a new era of higher productivity:

ƒ. Rising requirements and demand in terms of volume, time, cost, quality,

and sustainability

ƒ. Larger-scale players, more transparent markets, and disruptive new entrants

ƒ. More readily available new technologies, materials, and processes

ƒ. Rising wage rates and limits on migrant labor

These trends could mean that the potential downside from not moving to a more productive

model is more severe, and could increase the potential upside for those who move quickly.

The maturity of trends has varied from country to country, with differential impact both on

historical productivity growth and on the potential for an ecosystem that will drive future

improvements in productivity.

The four trends that we have discussed are likely to increase pressure on the industry

to change. The potential for change will also be defined by the regulatory environment

that supports it. To support productivity growth, regulators can mandate the use of

BIM to build transparency and collaboration across the industry; reshape regulations

to support productivity; create transparency on cost across the construction industry;

publish performance data on contractors; and consider labor interventions to ensure the

development of skills instead of relying heavily on a low-cost transient migrant workforce.

If industry players perceive their sector to be amenable to disruption, they need to take

account of not only the trends creating that potential disruption but also the regulatory

environment. Contractors can introduce a new operating system, invest in technology, and

develop a strategic approach. Owners of every type can drive change (although those in the

public sector tend to have the scale to drive the biggest impact). They can combine projects

into portfolios of work and pipelines of projects to drive cost savings and build scale; and

move away from bespoke design for each project.

Change may not be a distant prospect—there are signs of potential disruption in parts of

the global construction industry. The diagnostic is well known. Best practices already exist.

The potential of a mass-production system offers the chance of a dramatic step change in

productivity in some segments of the industry. But the question remains whether the various

players in the sector, which have different incentives and challenges, will indeed leave

behind the status quo and embrace change that will lead to higher productivity. Many are

already doing so; many others will need to follow if the global construction sector is to end

decades of inertia and transform itself as other industries have done.


Source  :  Company