It seems like yesterday that Talent Garden opened, however 6 years have now passed since our first campus opening in 2011. Today, we are the largest European network of coworking spaces for professionals working in the tech, digital and creative industries with 18 campuses in 6 countries, 1.800+ selected members and 500+ graduate students.
On Friday July 14th we will have a TAG Party, an entire day dedicated to our European community and to all tech-lovers where you will be able to visit our amusement park and immerse yourself into a 360° digital experience featuring VR, drone battles, robot races and much more.
It will also be the occasion to celebrate our achievements with all the people that have supported us, and you are one of them!
In particular we would like to invite you to:
– LISTEN TO THE TAG STORIES : come listen to the stories of our community and partners, and celebrate with us the 6th birthday of Talent Garden. Learn from the experience of great freelancers, startups and big companies that contributed to change their own sectors through innovative projects and special initiatives.
– GRADUATION SHOW : celebrate with us the Graduation of the students of the 2016/2017 Masters by TAG Innovation School, it will be the opportunity to applaud the students, to discover their achievements and to listen to an exceptional speaker that will inspire us with the aim of work with passion, change and be the leader in an increasingly digital world.
Source : Company