SEGRO’s FY19 results were announced , with a 10.8% increase in adjusted pre-tax profit and an 8.9% uplift in EPRA NAV.
Portfolio valuation uplift of 7.5 per centdriven by a 2.5 per cent increase in the like-for-like value of the UK portfolio(2018: 12.0 per cent) and 13.5 per cent in Continental Europe (2018: 5.1 per cent)
Valuation gains were driven mainly by asset management, rental value growth (UK: 2.6 per cent, Continental Europe: 3.0 per cent), development gains and further yield compression in Continental Europe
Future sustainable compound growth in rents, earnings and dividends is being driven by the substantial, pre-let development pipeline together with ongoing active management of the existing portfolio:
2019 full year dividend increased by 10.1 per cent to 20.7 pence
A 4.7 per cent increase in like-for-like net rental income was aided by an average 17.8 per cent uplift on rent reviews and renewals
Future earnings prospects underpinned by 1.2 million sq m of development projects under construction or in advanced pre-let discussions
£50 million of potential rent from current development pipeline, 60 per cent of which has been secured
£692 million was invested into the SEGRO portfolio in 2019, with total development capex for 2020 expected to exceed £600 million:
This investment is supported by a strong balance sheet. Look-through LTV ratio has reduced to 24% and the Company has almost £1.4 billion of cash and facilities available.
Commenting on the results, David Sleath, Chief Executive, said:
Images: from the SEGRO archives, including the first recorded image of the workers at the Slough Trading Company taken in 1920.

Source : Company