13 aprile 2007
Il Servizio Studi della Banca
Eurohypo ha diffuso il 13 aprile il proprio Outlook sulle ragioni del Mar
In sintesi la Ricerca afferma che «Owing to the dynamic political and
economic convergence process, the states bordering the Baltic Sea represent
a model region for European integration.
Buoyant trade and high levels of foreign direct investment between the
states bordering/within the region are the catalysts for this convergence
process, which is further supported through shared geographical, historical
and cultural roots.
The Baltic region's attractiveness for investors lies in the heterogeneous
nature of its national economies, with economically sound states in northern
and western Europe, on the one hand, and several of the most rapidly growing
transition countries in eastern Europe, on the other. Here, the prospect of
appealing rates of return is offset by calculable risks.
The structural differences are extreme and are set to persist in the medium
term, despite all of the reform efforts. In particular, small national
economies like those of the Baltic states will only be able to participate
from international capital flows to a certain extend. This applies
especially to real estate investments.
Due to the wide-ranging risk/return profiles, there is very good scope for
diversification within the Baltic region, in spite of the limited number of
countries. With regard to the real estate sector, the overall lack of global
investment centres in the region could have a negative impact on investment
activity in the long term».