“CORESTATE Appoints Oliver Zimper As Managing Director, Head of Commercial Real Estate”
CORESTATE, a specialist real estate investor based in Zug, Switzerland, announces the appointment of Oliver Zimper (40, pictured ) as Managing Director, Head of Commercial Real Estate. Oliver also joins the management board and the investment committee of CORESTATE.
Starting his activities in September, Oliver will overlook CORESTATEs investments in commercial real estate, comprising the asset management of existing assets as well as new transactions.
Previously, Oliver was a Managing Director at IVG Asset Management in Frankfurt, Germany. As Global Head of Transactions he realised various investment strategies and was in charge of transactions of the IVG Group. From 2011 until 2013 he executed real estate transactions in Europe with a volume of approximately €5bn. Furthermore, he expanded IVG`s strategy of single asset club deals by successfully conducting such investments as “Silberturm”, the “Prime Portfolio” or “Gallileo” in Frankfurt.
Prior to this Oliver was a Managing Partner at STAM Europe and earlier Head of Global Acquisitions at DEGI Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immobilienfonds.
Source : Company