ECE and its two project partners, Bank Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe (BDK) and Hanseatic Bank, both companies belonging to the French Société Générale Group, celebrated the beginning of construction work on the new Hamburg campus today with around 100 invited guests.
Hamburg’s Finance Senator Dr. Andreas Dressel, Alexander Otto, CEO of ECE, Detlef Zell, general manager of Hanseatic Bank, Matthias Sprank, general manager of BDK and Tobias Lökenhoff, Goldbeck Nord, broke ground together. The guests included BDK and Hanseatic Bank employees as well as district officials, representatives from Hamburg’s state parliament, and members of the real estate industry.
ECE is developing a modern office complex in the Barmbek district, on a site at the corner of Fuhlsbüttler Strasse/Hebebrandstrasse. Located in the immediate vicinity of Hamburg’s municipal park and near the City-Nord commercial area, the location is known for its excellent infrastructure and high recreational and utility value. The six-story building with a gross floor area of around 25,000 m2 offers space for 1,700 people to work.
After completion, which is planned for spring 2022, BDK and Hanseatic Bank will move in as main tenants. ECE is investing a total of around 115 million euros in the development of the building complex, and striving to achieve gold certification by the German Sustainable Building Council for the state-of-the-art new building, which is being constructed in accordance with the latest sustainability standards.
from left: Dr. Andreas Mattner (ECE), Alexander Otto (ECE), Dr. Andreas Dressel (Finance Senator), Matthias Sprank (BDK), Detlef Zell (Hanseatic Bank) and Tobias Lökenhoff (Goldbeck Nord)
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Source : ECE Project Management