EXPO REAL 2023 a Monaco  : il Rapporto finale

Quo Vadis, real estate industry? This is clearly one of the questions to which visitors at this year’s EXPO REAL were looking for answers—and found them. From October 4 to 6, 2023, a total of 1,856 exhibitors from 36 countries (2022: 1,887 / 33) and more than 40,000 participants from 70 countries (2022: 39,932 / 74) came to Munich for Europe’s largest trade fair for real estate and investments. The total number of participants was divided into approximately 20,000 trade visitors (2022: 19,434) and 20,312 company representatives (2022: 20,498).

“This year in particular, EXPO REAL has again proven to be the industry’s working trade fair, providing the platform to discuss existing challenges, solutions and opportunities,” says Stefan Rummel, CEO of Messe München. “The real estate industry finds itself facing one of the toughest times it has seen in a long time. Increasing interest rates, stagnating construction projects, inflation—the problems are many. These are precisely the reasons why the participants spent three days here in Munich exchanging ideas and talking.”

The highly frequented conference program featured partly critical discussions not only on ESG, digitalization, urban development or demographic change, but also on topics such as housing construction or (re)financing—indicating just how great the need for discussion was.

The next EXPO REAL will take place from October 7 to 9, 2024.