La quotata tedesca LEG acquisisce un portfolio di circa 2.200 appartamenti a Bremen e Bassa Sassonia, in Germania

The housing company LEG is acquiring a portfolio of around 2,200 residential units and 30 commercial…

Commerz Real riposiziona “Tulipan House” a Varsavia

Commerz Real has repositioned the Warsaw office property Tulipan House in line with modern work concepts.…

Cofinimmo completa la vendita dell’ office building “Souverain/Vorst 23/25” a Bruxelles

Cofinimmo signed the notary deed relating to the disposal of the Souverain/Vorst 23/25 office building, located…

Hines France conclude una affittanza da 4 mila mq nel “Workstation” building presso La Défense

Hines, the international real estate firm, acting in its capacity as Asset Manager for Skywalk, a…

La tedesca PATRIZIA fa shopping a L’Aia

PATRIZIA AG, the global partner for pan-European real estate investment, announces that it has acquired nine…

IMMOBEL contribuisce allo sviluppo urbano del Lussemburgo

Immobel transferred to Real I.S., a German real estate investment company, the capital of the INFINITY…

AEW compera tre retail asset a Valencia, Spagna

AEW announces the acquisition of three retail units located in the Bonaire retail park in Valencia,…

Germania, la famiglia Otto ( ECE ) acquisisce una partecipazione nel Gruppo Ruby Hotels

The Otto family has acquired a 25% share in the Ruby Hotel group. The acquisition has…

Commerz Real vende a Caleus e GIC l’ Hotel de Rome a Berlino

In an off-market transaction Commerz Real has sold Hotel de Rome in Berlin to Caleus Capital…

BMO REP acquisisce per €65 mn due “prime high street assets” a Milano e uno a Copenhagen

BMO Real Estate Partners (BMO REP), the pan-European property investment and asset management specialist that is…

Nuveen Real Estate acquisisce un centro logistico a Brema per la sua piattaforma logistica europea

Nuveen Real Estate ha acquisito un centro logistico nell’area metropolitana a sud di Brema , in…

La britannica Target Healthcare acquisisce quattro “care homes” e 31 “retirement apartments” per un totale di £81.3 mn

Target Healthcare ,the UK listed specialist investor in modern, purpose-built care homes, announces that it has…

Hilton apre , in nemmno tre anni , il centesimo hotel del suo brand “Tru by Hilton”

Tru by Hilton celebrates its milestone 100th hotel opening by giving away 100 two-night stays to…

Gecina finalizza l’ acquisizione da CRPN di “Carreau de Neuilly”, office building da 34 mila mq

Gecina signed an asset swap agreement on November 7, 2019 with the Caisse de Retraite du…

ZHA vince con Esplan la competizione per il terminal ferroviario “Ülemiste” a Tallin, Estonia

Zaha Hadid Architects (UK) working with Esplan (Estonia) have been have been awarded first place in…

Baytree (AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets) investe ancora nella logistica in Germania

Baytree Logistics Properties (“Baytree”), the logistics and industrial development platform, has secured a second strategic development…