Mega cross – border deal per Generali Real Estate che in JV con la tedesca Union Investment firma l’accordo per l’acquisizione di “Puerto Venecia” shopping resort a Saragozza , Spagna : rental area di 120 mila mq e 19 milioni di visitatori all’anno

Union Investment e Generali Real Estate hanno firmato l’accordo per l’acquisizione dello shopping resort Puerto Venecia…

La tedesca Union Investment acquisisce un retail & office building nel centro di Helsinki

Union Investment has acquired an approximately 8,300 sq m retail and office property at 19 Aleksanterinkatu…

BNP Paribas RE Property Development vende a Nas Invest l’immobile direzionale “West 99” a Francoforte in Germania

BNP Paribas Real Estate Property Development ha concluso la vendita dello sviluppo immobiliare “99 West” a…

PATRIZIA compera per 190 mn l’iconica “Louise Tower” a Bruxelles

PATRIZIA AG, the global partner for pan-European real estate investment, announces that it has acquired the…

LondonMetric dismette quattro asset logistici in UK per complessivi £145.3 mn

LondonMetric Property Plc  announces that it has sold two mega box warehouses and two regional distribution…

Hines investe in due office building per 30 mila mq a Monaco di Baviera

Hines, the international real estate firm, has acquired two office buildings belonging to “Lenbach Gärten” in…

EBRD – European Bank for Reconsruction and Development supporta il progetto “Hellinikon” in Grecia

In support of the biggest urban regeneration project in Greece, the EBRD is investing €22.7 million…

La tedesca PATRIZIA vende a un fondo pensione danese un portfolio residenziale da 283 unità a Copenhagen

PATRIZIA AG, the global partner for pan-European real estate investment, announces the sale of a residential…

La paneuropea M7 Real Estate investe 17,7 mn in logistica tedesca

M7 Real Estate (M7), the pan-European investor and asset manager, has acquired three commercial properties in…

La svizzera Mirabaud Asset Management si aggiudica un mandato di consulenza nel settore immobiliare

Mirabaud Asset Management annuncia l’aggiudicazione di un consistente mandato di consulenza immobiliare da parte di un…

AEW compera il “ Trône Square” office building nel CBD di Bruxelles

AEW announces the acquisition of the shares in Trône Holding, a Belgian company holding ownership rights…

AXA IM – Real Assets completa l’acquisizione di un portfolio logistico paneuropeo di circa 275 mila mq

AXA IM – Real Assets, a global leader in real asset investments and the leading(1) real…

Un Fondo di ECE acquisisce l “Erlangen Arcaden” shopping center, in Baviera

Another center for the ECE Fund II portfolio: The ECE European Prime Shopping Center Fund II…

Deutsche Hospitality si espande in Spagna con lo Zleep Hotel Madrid Airport

Zleep Hotels is set to make its debut in southern Europe. Deutsche Hospitality has signed an…

Un fondo di Hines acquisisce un office building nel cuore di Edimburgo

Hines Pan-European Core Fund, one of Hines’ flagship funds, has completed the acquisition of 20 West…

DeA Capital Real Estate France conclude il suo terzo deal a Parigi acquisendo in JV con Anacap Financial Partners l’edificio “Irrigo” al largo del Canal de l’Ourcq

Nell’ambito di un coinvestimento, Anacap Financial Partners (Anacap) e DeA Capital Real Estate France annunciano di…