Radisson Hotel Group continua l’ espansione in Turchia, con tre nuovi alberghi

Radisson Hotel Group’s investment in Turkey continues to grow as the group prepares to open three…

Nell’ anno del centenario Hilton raggiunge la quota di 6.100 alberghi con oltre 971 mila camere in 119 Paesi. Il Presidente e CEO Chris Nassetta riassume tutti i successi del Gruppo

announced that its centennial year featured record-breaking growth, awards for its inclusive workplace culture, and continued…

Domicil Real Estate Group compera da KGAL il “Four West” portfolio, 500 appartamenti nei dintorni di Colonia e Francoforte

Munich-based Domicil Real Estate Group (Domicil), an established, owner-managed investment and real estate service provider, has…

Warburg-HIH Invest vende a Berenberg un office building di oltre 8 mila mq ad Amburgo

Warburg-HIH Invest Real Estate GmbH (Warburg-HIH Invest) just sold an office scheme located on Schäferkampallee in…

Instone vende a LEG il progetto di 104 unità residenziali nel district “Wohnen im Hochfeld” a Dusseldorf

Instone Real Estate and LEG already completed the purchase agreement for realisation of the first phase…

AEW acquiscisce l’ office building “Baseler Palais” a Francoforte

AEW announces the acquisition of Baseler Palais, an office building in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany, on…

PATRIZIA compera la Tower a uffici più alta di Berlino : 32 piani, 26 mila mq

PATRIZIA AG, the global partner for pan-European real estate investment, announces the acquisition of Treptower, a…

Union Investment, nel 2019 affittati asset per oltre un milione di mq in 21 Paesi

Union Investment let or relet a total of 1.1 million square metres of commercial real estate…

Marriott riapre il Malta Marriott Hotel & Spa

Marriott Hotels annuncia la riapertura del Malta Marriott Hotel & Spa , a seguito di una…

Barings riaffitta il rinnovato “Roxy Palast” a Berlino

Berlin, 24 January 2020 – Barings has successfully repositioned the listed building, Roxy Palast, by the…

MEAG acquista da BNP Paribas un office building nel centro di Lione

MEAG has purchased the office building “41 Grenette” in Lyon, France, for its real estate special…

Aviva Investors and PSP Investments acquisiscono un mixed-use asset di oltre 24 mila mq a Copenhagen

Aviva Investors, the global asset management business of Aviva plc , announces that it has acquired…

Bruxelles, al via il nuovo redevelopment mixed use “De Brouckère”, di BPI Real Estate and Immobel : 182 appartamenti, un albergo e altro ancora

People want a high quality of living and working in the city. In line with this,…

Trei Real Estate lancia un concorso di architettura per il progetto residenziale “ Zollhafen” a Magonza

Trei Real Estate GmbH (Trei), a property developer and property asset holder for residential and retail…

Instone Real Estate lancia un progetto da 360 appartamenti a Dusseldorf

The land use plan for the “Wohnen im Hochfeld” housing project in Dusseldorf-Unterbach has been approved…

Prologis, ecco tutta l’ attività in Europa

Key trends—Europe: ·         The year ended on a strong note, with the highest levels of demand…