CORESIS e Universal-Investment comperano da Warburg-HIH Invest un office building a Bielefeld in Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia

CORESIS Management GmbH, a company based in Bad Homburg that specialises on real estate investments for…

Union Investment, nel 2020 completate 62 acquisizioni per 4.1 bn, gli AUM superano i 43 bn

Union Investment has continued to deliver reliable growth despite a challenging investment environment. In an exceptional…

Aviva Investors compera un asset a uffici a Stoccarda

Aviva Investors, the global asset management business of Aviva plc (‘Aviva’), announces that it has acquired…

Mitsubishi Estate ed Europa Capital acquisiscono un office building nel CBD di Stoccolma

Mitsubishi Estate London, advised by Europa Capital, the pan-European real estate investment manager, has acquired a…

Barings finanza due progetti di studentati a Londra e Manchester per un totale di £ 43.8 mn

Barings, one of the largest diversified real estate investors in the world, has agreed to forward fund…

Aviva Investors co-investe in un nuovo progetto a uffici a Londra

Aviva Investors, the global asset management business of Aviva plc , has announced a commitment of…

M7 compera un asset a uffici a Budapest

M7 Real Estate (“M7”), the pan-European investor and asset manager, has acquired a modern, multi-tenanted office…

Un Fondo comune di investimento real estate di La Française acquisisce un immobile a Colonia

Un fondo comune di investimento immobiliare di La Française, rappresentato da La Française Real Estate Managers,…

REInvest ( Lussemburgo) acquisisce un portfolio prime a Copenhagen

A few days ago, the Luxembourg asset and investment specialist REInvest Asset Management S.A. acquired a…

La tedesca GARBE acquisisce da Goodman un portafoglio logistico di circa 110 mila mq in Germania

GARBE Industrial Real Estate GmbH, one of the leading specialists for logistics and industrial properties in…

Prologis riassume l’ attività 2020 : $25.0 bn di Investimenti, e annuncia una nomina importante

Prologis, Inc., the global leader in logistics real estate, today released its investment activity results for…

Aberdeen Standard Investments entra nel settore “hometel” in UK

room2, the world’s first hometel brand, has completed the sale and leaseback of its flagship offering,…

Londra, nasce Silbury Finance, con focus sul living sector in UK

Two experienced property finance executives, backed by funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. (“Oaktree”), have…

Generali Real Estate SGR affida a HIH il property management dell’ office building “The Westlight” a Berlino

HIH Property Management GmbH (HPM) will take over the property management for the office building “The…

PATRIZIA, al via la costruzione di un complesso di 375 unità BTR a Birmingham

PATRIZIA AG announces the start of construction of ‘The Residences’ build-to-rent (BTR) scheme in the Edgbaston district…

La tedesca PATRIZIA acquisisce per 62 mn un progetto residenziale di 189 unità presso Stoccolma

PATRIZIA AG has acquired a residential development near Stockholm, Sweden, for EUR 62 million from Scandinavian Property…