Union Investment muove sul mercato residenziale di Dublino

Union Investment is further expanding its strategic position in the European residential real estate market. Having recently…

Il developer russo ADG Group rivitalizza i suburbs di Mosca

ADG group, a Russian development company,  shared its results for the first quarter of 2021. As the…

Design International presenta il suo ultimo progetto a Dubai

Silicon Central, designed by Design International, opened last Monday its doors to the public of Dubai…

Barings acquista un immobile storico nel centro di Parigi

Barings, the global investment management firm and one of the world’s largest diversified real estate investment managers, announces…

Deutsche Finance International acquista un progetto di student accommodation da 462 letti a Leicester, UK

Deutsche Finance International (“DFI”), the pan-European private equity real estate investor which manages over €2.7 billion…

Barings riceve da Phoenix Group un mandato da £250 mn per investire in real estate debt in UK

Barings, the global investment management firm and one of the world’s largest diversified real estate investment…

PATRIZIA investe in un mixed-use asset nel centro di Monaco : è un landmark storico

PATRIZIA AG has acquired a landmark mixed-use, multi-tenanted building in Munich, Germany, from Rock Capital Group (RCG),…

Union Investment acquisisce un progetto logistico di oltre 60 mila mq a Venlo, in Olanda

Union Investment has acquired the “Greenfield” logistics project in Venlo, the Netherlands. “Due to its location and…

Hines e la canadese PC Urban Properties insieme per costruire il maggior ufficio “ Mass Timber “ ( legno compresso) di Vancouver

PC Urban Properties Corp and Hines have entered into partnership to build Western Canada’s largest and…

Investec a fianco della JV tra CA Ventures & Harrison Street per lo sviluppo di quattro PBSA in UK

Investec Real Estate (“Investec”), a leading provider of residential and commercial finance to corporate, institutional and…

Union Investment acquisisce da Invesco Real Estate l’ office building “Terrano” a Monaco

Union Investment has acquired the Terrano office building on Arnulfstraße, Munich, from Institutional Investment-Partners GmbH. The acquisition…

British Land conclude un importante pre-let a Broadgate : sara il nuovo HQ di JLL in UK

British Land is pleased to announce that JLL has chosen 1 Broadgate for its new UK…

Union Investment in JV con GARBE acquisisce due asset logistici in Germania

Union Investment, a Hamburg-based real estate investment manager, and GARBE Industrial Real Estate, one of the…

Aberdeen Standard European Logistics Income PLC – ASLI acquista per €28 mn un asset logistico a Lodz, in Polonia

Aberdeen Standard European Logistics Income PLC (the “Company” or “ASLI”) announces the signing of the purchase…

PATRIZIA vende due asset a Berlino

PATRIZIA AG, a leading partner for global real assets, has sold two office properties in Berlin…

Immobel e Whitewood firmano un 12-year lease agreement con Total per il primo HQ CO2 neutral office building a Bruxelles

This week, Immobel and Whitewood  signed a 12-year lease agreement with Total for the new location…