La quotata americana Kennedy Wilson compera un asset a uffici a Madrid

Kennedy Wilson Europe Real Estate Fund II SCSp (“Fund II”), a private real estate fund managed…

Warburg-HIH Invest vende a Edmond de Rothschild REIM un asset storico ad Amsterdam

Warburg-HIH Invest Real Estate (Warburg-HIH Invest) just sold the office property located at Herengracht 124-128 in…

Generali Real Estate acquisisce da PATRIZIA un importante immobile per uffici nel CDB di Varsavia

Generali Real Estate ha completato l’acquisizione di Le Palais, un importante edificio per uffici a Varsavia, per…

Kennedy Wilson lancia un nuovo mixed-use campus a Dublino

Global real estate investment company Kennedy Wilson (NYSE:KW) and Cain International, the privately held real estate investment firm,…

Madison International Realty acquisisce una partecipazione nella “Salesforce Tower” a Londra

Madison International Realty, a leading real estate private equity firm, announces that it has acquired a…

Union Investment acquisisce l’ HQ della shipping company Hamburg Süd ad Amburgo

Union Investment has acquired the headquarters of Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft (Hamburg Süd) at Willy-Brandt-Straße 59-65. The…

Barings investe 86 mn in logistica a Helsinki

Barings, one of the world’s largest diversified real estate investment managers, has acquired a logistics asset…

Arsenale SGR finalizza la cessione di un asset Lifescience a Boston

Arsenale SGR ha perfezionato la vendita del primo immobile acquisito dal fondo AREUS I – Arsenale…

Brookfield Properties svela il progetto di rinnovo e pedonalizzazione della Potsdamer Platz a Berlino

Brookfield Properties has unveiled plans for an extensive redesign of Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, aiming to…

La lussemburghese REInvest vende un asset logistico a nord di Parigi

The Luxembourg asset and investment specialist REInvest Asset Management S.A. has once again realised increases in…

Radisson Hotel Group apre sulla costa della Turchia il suo primo hotel della “Radisson Collection”

Radisson Hotel Group is delighted to announce the opening of Radisson Collection Hotel, Bodrum, located in…

L’ irlandese IPUT acquisisce il progetto di uno sviluppo logistico nei pressi dell’ aeroporto di Dublino

IPUT Real Estate, Ireland’s leading property company and the largest owner of offices and logistics assets…

Hammerson avvia un progetto mixed use di rigenerazione urbana a Dublino

Hammerson has today unveiled a proposal for the regeneration of an important 2.2 ha (5.5 acre) site in Dublin’s…

Barings vende per €40,6 mn un asset logistico presso Madrid

Barings, the global investment management firm and one of the world’s largest diversified real estate investment…

Bain Capital Credit e Stoneweg Hospitality acquisiscono un Hotel di 400 camere a Marbella in Spagna

Bain Capital Credit, LP (“Bain Capital Credit”) and Stoneweg Hospitality (“Stoneweg”) via their real estate hospitality…

Gecina vende tre asset a uffici in Francia per complessivi €349,3mn

Gecina has completed or secured three new sales of mature and/or non-strategic office assets located in…