UK, aprira' a marzo 2013 lo shopping centre "Trinity Leeds" di Land Securities

Land Securities has announced that Trinity Leeds, its 1 million square foot shopping centre development which…

Maxi-Cross border deal a Lodz, in Polonia: "Manifaktura" passa a Union Investment

Apsys and the Euris/ Rallye Group have announced the acquisition of Manufaktura shopping centre by Union…

Polonia, per 390 milioni la tedesca Union Investment acquisisce lo shopping centre "Manufaktura" di Lodz

Apsys and the Euris/ Rallye Group have announced the acquisition of Manufaktura shopping centre by Union…

Union Investment compra in Finlandia

The high-growth metropolitan region of Helsinki remains a key investment focus for Union Investment Real Estate…

Union Investment lancia un nuovo Fondo per "piccole proprieta'" in Germania

Union Investment is expanding its range of solutions for institutional real estate investors by setting up…

Goodman sviluppa logistica in Germania

Il Gruppo Goodman ha annunciato oggi l’inizio dei lavori di costruzione in Germania di un ulteriore…

Union Investment lancia un nuovo Fondo per "piccole proprieta'" in Germania

Union Investment is expanding its range of solutions for institutional real estate investors by setting up…

SEB AM: oltre 400 mila i metri quadrati affittati da inizio anno

SEB Asset Management has signed a total of 515 leases for an aggregate amount of roughly…