Hotel Indingo apre a Barcellona

Il nuovo hotel Indigo Barcelona Plaza Catalunya aprirà questo mese nel cuore della metropoli spagnola.L’hotel segnerà…

Londra, British Land acquisisce da Wereldhave un portafoglio da 183 milioni di sterline

British Land Acquires London Portfolio from Wereldhave for £183.8 million British Land has acquired a portfolio…

Niente più nuovo real estate per Doughty Hanson

Doughty Hanson Completes Restructuring Doughty Hanson, one of the largest independent private equity firms in Europe,…

USA, Colonial Properties Trust vende un complesso per 94 milioni di dollari

Colonial Properties Trust Sells Metropolitan Midtown for $94 Million Colonial Properties Trust  today announced the sale…

Berlino, SEB ImmoInvest vende al Qatar il Grand Hyatt Hotel

(SEB ImmoInvest sells Grand Hyatt Hotel located at Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz) SEB Asset Management has signed…

Il Qatar compra il “Martinez “ di Cannes e altri alberghi di lusso in Francia

(Qatar pays Starwood €800m for French luxury hotels) Qatar sovereign wealth fund Qatar Holding has acquired…

La canadese Dundee Int . compra da SEB AM in Germania un “portfolio” per 420 milioni

(SEB AM: purchase agreement signed for German real estate portfolio) SEB Asset Management has signed a…

“Sowwah Central , nuova “retail destination” di Abu Dhabi

di Paola G. Lunghini Gulf Related, partnership tra Related Companies (  una tra le maggiori società…

Commerz Real vende ad Allianz RE un office building a Monaco

(Commerz Real Sells “Medienfabrik” Property in Munich) Commerz Real just sold the “Medienfabrik” office scheme from…

Risanamento cede un immobile a Parigi

Risanamento S.p.A. ha confermato che la propria controllata Risanamento Europe S.àr.l. ha venduto a Pramerica Real…

Valad Europe in JV con un investitore del Sud Africa

Valad Europe Enters Into £100 million Joint Venture with South African Investor, Grindrod, for New Separate…

Starwood Hotels : venduti in un anno alberghi per oltre 500 milioni di dollari

Starwood Hotels Completes Sale of Aloft and Element Lexington Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. today…

Al via il “Queen Street” nel cuore di Glasgow

Queen Street build underway A £50m development project gets started this month, creating office and retail…

Union Investment acquisisce il “ Bülow Carré” a Stoccarda

Union Investment acquires Bülow Carré in Stuttgart Union Investment has acquired the “Bülow Carré” office and…

L’ austriaca Warimpex completa un office building a Varsavia

Warimpex opens “Le Palais” office building in Warsaw, 75% of offices already rented Warimpex Finanz- und…

La francese Nexity completa con successo una emissione da 200 milioni

200 MILLION EURO BOND ISSUE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED Nexity announced that it has successfully completed its bond…