Union Investment vende un complesso a uffici a Minneapolis, USA

Union Investment has sold an office property in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The building at 950 Nicollet Mall…

La belga IMMOBEL vende ai coreani l’ iconico “Cedet building” a Varsavia, per 129.5 mn di euro

IMMOBEL has sold the Cedet office building, located in central Warsaw (Poland), to a fund managed…

Sarà Salesforce l’ Anchor Tenant della nuova Tower ( 60 piani) di Hines nel centro di Chicago : disegnata dall’ archistar Pelli , sorgerà su un terreno della famiglia Kennedy

Hines, the international real estate firm, today announced the launch of Salesforce Tower Chicago, the third…

Il “Pan-European Debt Fund” di Allianz Real Estate supera in cinque mesi EUR1 bn

Allianz Real Estate’s Pan-European debt fund, launched in July this year, has surpassed EUR1 billion in…

Hilton Hotels & Resorts lancia tre All-inclusive Resorts in Messico e Repubblica Dominicana

Through Hilton’s alliance with Playa Hotels & Resorts, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, the company’s flagship brand,…

AEW Ciloger acquisisce, per conto dell’ OPCI Franceurope Immo, l’ immobile di un Villaggio Vacanze 4* in Val Thorens, in Savoia

AEW Ciloger annonce l’acquisition, pour le compte de l’OPCI Franceurope Immo, des murs du Village Vacances…

Allianz si rafforza in Asia acquisendo una partecipazione nell’ “Ocean Financial Centre” di Singapore

Allianz today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire a 20% stake in…

Il master plan del “New Market Covent Garden” ( Londra ) di SOM vince il “Merit Award for Excellence in Urban Design” all’ AIA International Region Awards

Skidmore, Owings and Merrill’s (SOM) master plan for New Covent Garden Market has won the Merit…

USA, va in vendita la villa di Robert Redford

Not one of Hollywood’s ‘Ordinary People,’ especially when it comes to super-star actor, director and supporter…

Dubai, apre oggi l’hotel “Emerald Palace Kempinski”

Rising above the cobalt blue waters of the Arabian Gulf, Emerald Palace Kempinski Dubai is a…

TH Real Estate acquisisce il centro logistico di Lidl nei Paesi Bassi

TH Real Estate ha acquisito un centro di distribuzione premium nei Paesi Bassi per conto del…

Olanda, la tedesca Union Investment raggiunge la piena occupazione per l’ office building “Aeroplaza” a Eindhoven

Union Investment has let some 3,000 sq m of space in its Aeroplaza office property, which…

Allianz completa l’ acquisizione di due building residenziali a Parigi

Allianz has completed the acquisition of two residential buildings located in Paris. The 19th century Haussmanian…

Gecina finalizza la vendita di un portfolio office da 266 mn a Lione a Patrimonial REIM

 Gecina has finalized the sale of a portfolio of office buildings in Lyon to Primonial REIM,…

Union Investment loca 5.700 mq a Rotterdam a Rabobank

Union Investment has let approximately 5,700 sqm of office space in its FIRST Rotterdam tower to…

Sonae Sierra: inaugurato Fashion City Outlet a Larissa, Grecia

Anche la Tessaglia ha il suo punto di riferimento per gli acquisti: è Fashion City Outlet,…