Europa Capital con Balzac REIM completa la vendita del complesso “5 Quai Marcel Dassault” a Suresnes, Parigi

Europa Capital, the pan-European real estate investment manager, in joint venture with local operating partner, Balzac…

Aviva Investors acquisisce un “mixed use development” a Londra

Aviva Investors, the global asset management unit of Aviva PLC, has today completed the acquisition of…

AEW incaricata da un Gruppo assicurativo tedesco, per investire €275mn in logistica

AEW has been awarded a new separate account mandate from a German insurance group for the…

Belgrado, apre “Ada Mall”, nuovo centro commerciale firmato Design International

Apre al pubblico Ada Mall, la nuova destinazione per lo shopping e il tempo libero di…

EBRD –European Bank for Reconstruction and Development sostiene la crescita del real estate in Grecia

The EBRD is helping to promote sustainable, environmental investments in the Greek real estate sector with…

Marriott apre a Dublino il nuovo Hotel “Aloft Dublin City”

Marriott International  annuncia l’apertura del primo Aloft Hotel in Irlanda, l’Aloft Dublin City. L’hotel si trova…

CBRE annuncia la vendita del complesso “City Gate” a Francoforte

Following the acquisition in 2015 of the 23,000 sqm “City Gate“ (the  former Shell Tower) by…

Ardian finalizza un accordo per l’acquisizione di un progetto a uffici nel centro di Berlino

Ardian, a world-leading private investment house, has finalized an agreement with LBBW Immobilien Development GmbH to…

AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets completa l’ acquisizione di un “forestry portfolio” di circa 4 mila ettari in Irlanda

AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets, a global leader in real asset investments and the leading(1)…

La quotata austriaca Warimpex apre il “Mogilska Office” , oltre 12 mila mq nel centro di Cracovia

After nearly 21 months of intensive works on the construction site, Mogilska Office, located in the…

I numeri di Schroder Real Estate Investment Trust : la strategia di investimento nelle “ winning cities” funziona

Schroder Real Estate Investment Trust, the actively managed UK focussed REIT, today announces its audited full…

Europa Capital completa il refurbishment del 5 stelle Radisson Collection Hotel , 311 camere , in centro a Varsavia

Europa Capital, the pan-European real estate investment manager, has completed a comprehensive refurbishment of Warsaw’s Radisson…

AEW acquisisce da KanAm un office building a Monaco-Riem

AEW announces the first acquisition for the recently launched AEW “Europe Value Investor II Fund” an…

Europa Capital e Bayern Projekt annunciano il primo pre-let all’ “Olympia Business Centre” di Monaco di Baviera

Europa Capital, together with its joint venture partner Bayern Projekt, announces the first pre-letting of 57,000…

“The Shelbourne” , nel cuore di Dublino, fa il suo ingresso nella Autograph Collection Hotels di Marriott

La collezione di hotel indipendenti di Marriott International, Autograph Collection Hotels , ha annunciato un nuovo…

Inaugurato lo Stadio “Al Janoub Stadium” ad Al Wakrah, Qatar, firmato Zaha Hadid Architects

Inaugurated on 16 May 2019 by hosting the Amir Cup Final of the Qatar Stars national…