La tedesca Union Investment compera per 50 mn un office building nel centro di Helsinki

Union Investment has acquired an office property in central Helsinki comprising around 5,700 sq m of…

Il fondo “ Cicerone” , gestito da Fabrica SGR, acquisisce ad Amsterdam il prime building locato alla legal firm Baker McKenzie

Cicerone Holding, società interamente partecipata dal Fondo Cicerone gestito da Fabrica SGR, con il supporto di…

Barings concede un “construction loan” di €40 mn per un retail park presso Siviglia

Barings, one of the world’s largest diversified real estate investment managers, announces that it has provided,…

Union Investment acquisisce un centro logistico di oltre 100 mila mq presso Aquisgrana, in Germania

Union Investment has acquired a logistics property comprising some 105,000 sq m of rental space from…

Aviva Investors Real Assets acquisisce “ Neue Burg 1”, futuro HQ di Unilever ad Amburgo

Aviva Investors Real Assets has signed an agreement with Quest investment Partners to purchase Neue Burg…

Campari Group raggiunge un accordo per vendere Villa “Les Cèdres”, a Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat in Francia

Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. ha raggiunto un accordo per la vendita della proprietà immobiliare “Villa Les Cèdres”,…

La francese Primonial REIM annuncia la firma di un sale-and-leaseback per acquisire 20 “senior care facilities” -per 1830 letti – in Germania

Primonial REIM has announced the signing of a sale-and-leaseback agreement on behalf of SCPI PRIMOVIE with the…

Four Points by Sheraton, brand di Marriott International , debutta in Polonia

Four Points by Sheraton, brand di Marriott International, ha inaugurato il suo primo hotel in Polonia,…

Park Inn by Radisson apre un secondo hotel a La Mecca , la città più sacra dell’Islam

Park Inn by Radisson, Radisson Hotel Group’s upper midscale hotel brand that delivers stress-free experiences, good…

Va a Multi Corporation la gestione del centro commerciale “B Planet” in Portogallo

Multi Portugal, part of Multi Corporation, a leading pan-European integrated service platform for retail real estate…

Commerz Real vende un office building di 22 mila mq a Singapore

Commerz Real has sold the office building “Robinson Road 71” in Singapore from its open-ended real…

Benson Elliot completa, per €175 m, la vendita di una housing company tedesca

Benson Elliot, the UK-based private equity real estate manager, acting on behalf of its pan-European fund…

Il “City Retail Fund” di AEW entra in Portogallo acquisendo otto high street retail asset

AEW has acquired eight assets via two transactions in Lisbon and Porto, Portugal, on behalf of…

BMO REP acquisisce dall’ attore Gerard Depardieu l’ iconico restaurant “ Fontaine Gaillon” a Parigi

BMO Real Estate Partners , part of Canada’s BMO Financial Group’s £189 billion[1] Global Asset Management…

AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets investe €676 mn in due prime retail asset a Parigi, acquisiti da Hammerson ed Eurocommercial Properties

AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets a global leader in real asset investments and the leading(1)…

La tedesca Union Investment raggiunge nel letting i 430 mila mq nel primo semestre

Union Investment let or relet a total of 430,000 sq m of commercial space in the…