UBS AM acquisisce il Travelodge Hotel a Edinburgo

UBS Asset Management’s (UBS-AM) Real Estate & Private Markets (REPM) business announces that it has completed…

Oxford Properties rafforza il Global Leadership Team e accelera la Tech Innovation

Oxford Properties Group , a leading global commercial real estate investor, developer and manager, announces a…

AEW acquista due moderni asset residenziali in Finlandia

AEW announces that it has acquired two modern residential apartment blocks located in the prime residential…

Sorgerà tra Varsavia e Lodz il più grande aeroporto d’Europa , apertura prevista per il 2027

Sarà la Polonia a ospitare il più grande aeroporto d’Europa: sarà situato tra Varsavia e Lodz.…

E’ in vendita a Los Angeles la casa dove visse l’ attrice Meghan Markle, ora Duchessa del Sussex

When Megan Markle, now Duchess of Sussex and a princess of the United Kingdom, first got…

Manhattan, va in vendita per 50 mn di dollari “The Vanderbilt Mansion” dove visse Gloria Vanderbilt

Gloria Vanderbilt was a fashion designer, author, actress and the mother of CNN anchor Anderson Cooper.…

La quotata austriaca IMMOFINANZ spinge sugli uffici a Varsavia

Following the acquisition of the Warsaw Spire Tower high-rise, IMMOFINANZ is taking a further step to…

La britannica Octopus Real Estate si assicura la planning permission per lo sviluppo di una “care home” da 80 letti in UK

Octopus Real Estate, part of Octopus Group and leading UK specialist real estate investor, has formally secured…

La quotata austriaca Warimpex acquisisce una ulteriore partecipazione nel complesso AIRPORTCITY a San Pietroburgo

In May of this year, Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG announced the acquisition of a 35…

Madrid, Henderson Park acquisisce il nuovissimo albergo Aloft Madrid Gran Via , brand di Marriott

Henderson Park, the pan-European private equity real estate platform, announces that it has acquired the Aloft…

Mai così booming l’ immobiliare alberghiero in Canada , 28 gli hotel aperti nel primo semestre

Lodging Econometrics reports that at the close of the second quarter of 2019, the total construction…

La tedesca Union Investment acquisisce un complesso a uffici di 15 mila mq nei South Docklands di Dublino

Union Investment has acquired the 5 Hanover Quay office property in Dublin’s fast-growing South Docklands district.…

Nuveen Real Estate acquisisce un primario asset logistico in Corea del Sud, per il suo fondo “Asia Pacific Cities”

Asia Pacific Cities Fund (APCF), gestito da Nuveen Real Estate, ha acquisito un immobile nuovo a…

Strong performance H1 per la tedesca PATRIZIA

PATRIZIA AG, the global partner for pan-European real estate investment, announces strong H1 2019 performance driven…

Hyatt Hotels annuncia – alleandosi con una Corporation di Singapore – l’apertura dell’ “Hyatt Regency” ad Adelaide, Australia

Hyatt Hotels Corporation announced  that a Hyatt affiliate has entered into a management agreement with CES Pirie…

Barings investe in uno sviluppo alberghiero a Stoccarda

Barings LLC, one of the world’s largest diversified real estate investment managers, announced today that it…