Palm Capital compera da Lone Star un book di sub-performing UK per £150 mn

Palm Capital, the pan-European real estate private equity and special situations specialist, announces the acquisition from…

Nuveen acquisisce un centro logistico nei pressi di Bilbao

Nuveen Real Estate, una delle più grandi società al mondo nella gestione degli investimenti immobiliari con…

SEGRO espande il portfolio londinese con un ulteriore investimento da £100 mn

SEGRO has expanded its Greater London portfolio by £100 million with off-market acquisitions in Dagenham and…

Radisson Hotel Group si rafforza in Romania con il brand Radisson Blu

Radisson Hotel Group is pleased to announce the signing of its fourth Radisson Blu property in…

AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets acquisisce da Yamaha Corporation un progetto mixed-use da 200 mn a Sapporo, in Giappone

AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets ,a global leader in real asset investments and the leading…

Commerz Real acquista per 167.5 mn di dollari USA il building a uffici “1330 West Fulton” a Chicago

Commerz Real has purchased the Chicago office complex “1330 West Fulton” for its open-ended real estate…

Hines inaugura “One Museum Place” , Tower da 60 piani , a Shanghai

Hines, the international real estate firm, announced today that the magnificent new addition to Shanghai’s skyline,…

“Topping-Out Ceremony” per il nuovo centro logistico di ECE e Hermes ad Ansbach in Germania

Construction work on the new warehouse for Hermes Fulfilment and the new main transshipment base for…

Europa Capital e Keystone vendono a Schroder Real Estate office portfolio a Copenhagen

Europa Capital, the pan-European real estate investment manager, in partnership with Keystone Investment Management (“Keystone”), the…

Commerz Real vende un retail park presso Lisbona a Square Asset Management

Commerz Real has sold the retail shopping centre Montijo Retail Park near the Portuguese capital Lisbon…

Aareal Bank finanzia per 240 mn un portafoglio logistico paneuropeo : investitori sud-coreani gestiti da KFIM

Aareal Bank AG has provided a five-year financing of approximately EUR 240 million for a pan-European…

Cityzen e Immobel lanciano una competizione internazionale di architettura/design per refurbishment del “Centre Monnaie” a Bruxelles

Last May, Cityzen Residence SA, Cityzen Office SA and Cityzen Hotel SA, companies controlled by Whitewood,…

Il REIT britannico RDI vende per 91 mn il “Bahnhof Altona Center” ad Amburgo

RDI is pleased to announce that it has exchanged contracts with Volksbank eG Braunschweig Wolfsburg to…

Clarion Gramercy investe €100 mn in logistica in Olanda

Clarion Gramercy , a real estate investment fund manager specialising in logistics and industrial assets, has…

La Française acquisisce “off-market” un centro di distribuzione nel Nord Reno-Westfalia per conto di investitori Sud-coreani

La Française, agendo per conto di Samsung Securities e di KB Securities, ha completato l’acquisizione di…

La quotata belga Cofinimmo un medical office building in Olanda

Cofinimmo acquired, through a subsidiary, the future medical office building of Bergeijk, in North Brabant, located…