AXA IM – Real Assets completa l’ acquisto di un prime office portfolio europeo da €1.1 bn attraverso l’ acquisizione del REIT quotato Northstar Realty Europe

AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets, a global leader in real asset investments and the leading1…

Investec con Bank of Ireland finanzia per £80 mn la JV Henderson Park e Greystar per un progetto di 257 unità Build to Rent a Walthamstow , Londra

Investec Structured Property Finance announces that it has provided a joint venture between Henderson Park, the…

Francia, CDC Habitat raccoglie €1.25 bn per il Fondo housing

AMPERE Gestion has successfully completed the final closing for its second intermediate housing fund (FLI2) with…

Hines rivela nuove strategie, e nomina nuovi top manager

Hines, the international real estate firm, today announced a new structure for the firm’s investment management…

USA, Blackstone acquisisce il 65% di Great Wolf Resorts e forma con Centerbridge Partners una nuova JV da $2.9 bn

Blackstone Real Estate Partners IX, an affiliate of Blackstone and affiliates of Centerbridge Partners, L.P. announced…

Nuveen RE acquisisce la Fase III di un centro logistico in Olanda ( 2 ottobre 2019 )

Nuveen Real Estate ha acquisito la Fase III di un hub logistico situato a Venlo, in…

AEW acquisisce un office asset di 15.600 mq nel centro di Colonia

AEW announces that it has acquired the landmark office building ONE COLOGNE, which islocated at Venloer…

Il fondo “Best Value Europe II” di BMO Real Estate Partners raggiunge €250 mn in otto “prime retail assets”

BMO Real Estate Partners (BMO REP), the pan-European property investment and asset management specialist that is…

AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets acquisisce per €531 mn un portafoglio alberghiero europeo da 2.300 camere

  (  1  ottobre  2019) AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets announces that it has entered…

Hammerson dismette l’”Abbotsinch Retail Park” presso Glasgow

  (  30  settembre  2019) Hammerson plc has exchanged contracts for the sale of Abbotsinch Retail…

Blackstone compera da Colony Capital asset logistici in USA per $5.9bn

Colony Capital, Inc. and Blackstone Real Estate Partners IX, an affiliate of Blackstone announced today that…

Hines acquisisce un progetto di student accomodation da £72 mn a Glasgow

(  30  settembre  2019 ) LondonHines, the international real estate firm, is pleased to announce that…

Il deal “Disneyland Paris hotel portfolio” , la versione degli acquirenti Benson Elliot e Schroders

A joint-venture led by UK-based private equity real estate fund manager Benson Elliot Real Estate Partners…

Europa Capital conclude un pre-letting da 108,000 sq ft di uffici all’ “Olympia Business Centre” di Monaco

Europa Capital, the pan-European real estate investment manager, together with its joint venture partner, Bayern Project,…

AEW acquisisce “New Eastside”, un progetto di 21 mila mq a uffici a Monaco

AEW announces the acquisition of New Eastside, a substantially pre-let office development located in Berg am…

La quotata austriaca Warimpex perfeziona la vendita di due hotel a Disneyland® Parigi

Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG has successfully closed the sale of the Vienna House Dream Castle…