Tranio diffonde insieme a IHIF in corso a Berlino una Survey sul sentiment degli investitori alberghieri internazionali . L’ Italia è in terza posizione dopo Spagna e Germania

In conjunction with Tranio (  international real estate  broker ),  the International Hotel Investment Forum (IHIF) has conducted a joint survey to better understand the level of interest for European hospitality real estate from across the world. Over 200 industry professionals were surveyed in an effort to reveal the most attractive locations for investment in Europe while taking account of their budgets and strategies.


Most of survey participants were either from or representing UK investors, followed by representatives from Germany, Spain and the USA. Topping the list as the most sought after locations for hotel real estate investment were Spain , Germany. and Italy. The majority of participants indicated that they or their clients will be looking for value-added opportunities, backed by budgets in excess of €10 million. A number of respondents have also indicated their willingness to continue investing in hotel real estate in 2019, rather than liquidate their positions.


Source : IHIF